What we do    

Two words. Volunteering. Trips.

That really encapsulates it: we take groups of young people out to country towns and help out with any projects they may need done. These projects can involve a range of activities, from simple mulching of garden beds, to painting, to cleaning out sheds, to simple landscaping projects and building decks and playgrounds.

We have two kinds of trips on offer. Introducing:

  • The Day Trip.

  • The Weekender.

The Day Trip

A Day Trip sees us heading off from Sydney on a Saturday or Sunday morning to a community about two hours away.

We will spend the day volunteering and have lunch with the townsfolk. After lunch, we will continue volunteering for a couple of hours more.

Finally, we will head back home, our good day’s deed done.

Day Trips are the best choice for those who either have limited free time or aren’t comfortable with the idea of going away for a whole weekend with a group of people you may not yet know.

The Weekender

Usually to a town three or more hours out of Sydney, a Weekender sees us leaving on a Friday and coming back on Sunday. We volunteer on Saturday and Sunday, and sleep in our sleeping bags on the floor of community halls, school auditoriums, etc. Real character-building stuff.

A typical Weekender itinerary looks like this:

  • Friday: We arrive at the town in the evening and spend the night there.

  • Saturday: We volunteer for about five hours and then explore the town and surrounds, going to a local pub for dinner.

  • Sunday: We volunteer for about four hours and then drive back to Sydney.

Some testimonials

  • Big thanks to Mils and Ruvi!! My body will absolutely hate me tomorrow but had a great weekend working with everyone!

    Joy, volunteer

  • Thank you guys for organising!! Had such a great time getting my hands dirty again, everyone slayed!

    Jenny, volunteer

  • Thank you Ruvi and Mils for organising and thank you to everyone else too for making this a very fun weekend! Keen for more BCL soon!

    Sam, volunteer

A documentary showing the sort of work we do

This is a short film made by Ruvi as his final project at uni. It documents a trip to Eugowra, a town five hours west of Sydney which had suffered a devastating flood in late 2022. Our group of volunteers went over to help the townsfolk, who almost a year later were still recovering. It shows the impact that volunteering can have on not just the recipients, but also the volunteers themselves.