Our team       


So far it’s just the two of us. We will be expanding our team as we grow, so keep an eye out!

Ruvi Ratnayake

Hi, I’m Ruvi!

I’m a lawyer in Sydney who loves being outdoors! My ideal weekend sees me setting off on a Friday evening and camping at the foothills of some mountains, then over the next two days doing an overnight hike exploring those mountains, and finally coming home to a hot chocolate and a hot shower afterwards.

Mils and I used to lead a uni club which took students out country way to volunteer, and after finishing uni we felt that we were not finished doing this yet. I had met some amazing folks in country towns whom I continue to maintain contact with today, and I felt that it would be a shame to break that contact just because I wasn’t at uni anymore. This is what led us to start BCL.

I’m very excited to see this grow and for us to really reach out to tons of communities and help heaps of people.

Get involved, we would love to have you along for the ride.

Milan Naidu

My name is Milan.

Friends would call me amazing, generous, exceptional at everything but I am really just easy-going, humble and down-to-earth. I love getting amongst it - whether it be sports, games, academia or debates about 'whether plant seeds can really grow inside of you?' I am drawn in by forces unknown.

I started BCL with my friend Ruvi as way to give back to the community, something I enjoyed immensely after doing similar volunteering work in university. I love travelling, whether it be interstate or overseas, and the country is a breath of fresh air (metaphorically and literally) from city life. Therefore, building a volunteering organisation that travels and helps regional communities was the only logical solution.

I hope one day we can expand BCL to the point where we can help many regional communities each year, building a network full of lifetime connections and exposing plenty of people to the wonders of giving back.

All I have to say is come along, get amongst it, you won't regret it.